Vegan Wellies

Why choose Lakeland for vegan wellington boots?

Made Responsibly
Fully Waterproof
Natural Rubber
Cruelty-Free & Vegan
Ultimate Comfort
Organic Cotton
Made In Sri Lanka
Vegan Wellies

Cruelty-Free & Vegan

Designed for adventures and eco-friendly mindsets, our vegan wellies have got you covered – whatever the weather. Every pair of our Lakeland wellington boots are entirely vegan friendly. In addition, we use natural rubber sourced from Sri Lanka with zero use of synthetic or animal products, helping support rural rubber farming communities on the island.

Switching to vegan clothing is an excellent introduction to a vegan lifestyle, especially if ditching all animal materials out of your life might feel a little extreme. Plus, choosing vegan wellies is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint at the same time.

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